
Make a new larger font for Waveshare SPI e-Paper

    There are five fonts (font8, font12, font16, font20 and font24) provided for e-Paper. Some users just want to make their customized fonts or bigger font, but have no idea about how to do it.     This Blog,  I will tell you how the provided fonts works and how to make a new bigger font. How do the fonts  provided  works? To draw a character on dots matrix screen, it works like to draw many dots on screen and make it look like a character. Just like this: we draw every “pixel” to white (for visibility I set it Yellow)or black, and finally we get the character “T”. As you can see, we set the paint area to 9(wide) x 20 (wide). White is 0 and black is 1, then we can get a set of binary value for every raw, convert them to HEX format, we can get the value as the fonts file. Note that one HEX value stand for 8bits, if the last bits are less than 8, we could extend it. We say it is scanning from left to right and top to bottom: We...